Normatec Recovery System

Do your legs ache, buzz, feel heavy and tired, at the end of the day or after a workout? 

Come try the NORMATEC recovery boots: 

✅ Recover Faster

✅ Increase Circulation

✅ Conquer Sore Muscles  


These boots were created by a physician bioengineer to enhance blood flow and speed recovery. The pulse massage employs 3️⃣ key techniques: 

1️⃣Pulsing- dynamic compression (squeezing) to transport fluid out of the limbs

2️⃣Gradients- the pulse technology uses a hold pressure to keep fluids from being forced the wrong direction, since veins & lymphatic vessels have one way valves that prevent fluid backflow. 

3️⃣Distal Release - the technology employs a release of hold pressure in each of the 5 leg zones, to prevent backflow. 


The ultimate recovery for today’s athlete.

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What does running do to your knees?

Active Release Technique

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